Year after year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration looks at the number of auto accidents and reports what they find out. Deaths from auto accidents obviously have a negative effect on the country. The data gathered by the NHTSA is used to pinpoint the major reasons for auto accidents in an effort to find a solution apart from settling on accident injury settlements from a Denver car accident lawyer. One major statistic compiled by the NHTSA pertains to drunk driving, which is still a major cause of many traffic accidents.
According to figures gathered by the NHTSA, alcohol is related to almost a third of all accidents deaths but not necessarily the cause of the accidents. While it only means that at least one of the individuals involved in the accident is inebriated to some extent, that figure is quite staggering and it does not take a Denver accident attorney to figure that out.
In Denver, as is with other cities in the country, male drivers are more likely to drive while intoxicated compared to females. Also, the NHTSA pointed out that driving while under the influence of alcohol is common for young drivers. The combination of being drunk and inexperienced can prove to be lethal as any Denver car accident lawyer would tell you.
Not everything is gloomy though, according to the NHTSA as the number of deaths related to drunk driving has significantly decreased over the past three decades. In the early 80s, about 25,000 deaths from car accidents were related to alcohol, something that must have kept a Denver auto accident lawyer busy during that time. Today, the number has dropped down to approximately 15,000, which is still very high, making accident injury settlement more common.
This rate drop can be attributed to different things. According to some, the anti-drunk driving campaigns of groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving have influenced the drop in number. The NHTSA also stated that the enforcement of laws prohibiting drunk driving has had major positive effects in the reduction of drunk-driving fatalities. A Denver car accident lawyer such as the Personal Injury Law Firm of Colorado and other people involved in the messy part of litigation after these accidents could also tell you that safer cars today may have also contributed to the number of fatalities related to alcohol and traffic accidents.
The state of Colorado and the city of Denver has seen its fair share of fatalities stemming from auto accidents related to alcohol. These tragic events are not only painful for the bereaved families but also take a lot out of them financially. If you or a family member has been victim of a drunk driving accident, having a good Denver accident attorney guiding you through the legal aspect of such ordeal would therefore be a good choice. Depending on the circumstances when the accident happens, the family of the victim could pursue a liability claim with the help of a Denver auto accident lawyer.
Trust. Experience. Success. That's what you need and that's what you will get at The Personal Injury Law Firm of Colorado.